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Online Membership Application Form:

Please complete fully. Failure to do so may result in your membership being rejected. 

Apply to become a member of the National Australian Shepherd Association:
Please tick your fields of interest
Membership Choice:

Before submitting your form. Please make the correct payment to:

Account No: 77104404

Sort Code:   60 - 21 - 02 

Please put your Surname as a reference

All members recieve club magazines and an invitation to the clubs Members Only Facebook Group. How would you like to recieve your magazine?

Contact information on this form will be held securely on a database by the membership secretary for the purpose of compiling and maintaining the clubs list of members and for correspondence with its members. It will not be shared with any third parties other than committee members and The Kennel Club on request. In order to comply with The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) submitting this electronic form gives explicit consent for member's personal data to be recorded on computers or electronic media authorised by the club for such use. Application forms will be stored by the Membership Secretary in a securely held electronic and paper file. 



Please see the Code of Ethics and Club Rules on our downloads page. Alternatively contact the membership secretary for a copy before submitting this form.


By pressing submit you agree to the following:


  • I/We apply for membership of the National Australian Shepherd Association. I/we have recieved, read, and understood the rules of the association and the code of ethics. By clicking submit we agree to abide by the rules and code of ethics and agree to our information being stored on a database.

  • I/we endorse a payment for the appropriate amount.

Thank you for joining the National Australian Shepherd Association. Please do not forget to make your BACS payment to Account Number: 77104404 Sort Code: 60-21-02

© 2020 National Australian Shepherd Association

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