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Australian Shepherds doing Working Trails:

Working Trials is a competition with a series of tests based on the civilian equivalent to police work. There are 3 main Sections

  1. Nosework - Comprises of Tracking and Searching

  2. Agility - Hurdle, Scale & Long Jump

  3. Control - Heelwork, Sendaway, Retreive, Down Stay, Steadyness to Gunshot & Speak.


There are a total of 6 different types of stakes which dog and handler can work towards. These are:

  • Introductory Stakes

  • Companion Dog Stakes(CD)

  • Utility Dog Stakes (UD)

  • Working Dog Stakes (WD)

  • Tracking Dog Stakes (TD)

  • Patrol Dog Stakes (PD)


The dog is required to obtain 70% of the marks in each section of the competition to qualify. In championship stakes, 80% of the overall marks must be gained to be awarded the accolade 'excellent', which is a necessary requirement in progressing upwards to the next championship stake. Two wins in championship TD or PD stakes qualifies the dog the title of Working Trial Champion.


For a more detailed explanation of this challenging sport have a look at the links below:


Photo Credit: J. Hilton

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